Top Tips On Writing A Good Blog!
Posted on 16th October 2024 at 16:12
When it comes to writing a great blog, fear and putting yourself out there, can get in the way. What will others think? I have spoken with a lot of entrepreneurs about writing their first blogs and a lot of them have made the same comment ‘“What if people don’t like what I have to say?”
Of course, it is natural to worry and have a little bit of fear when it comes to putting something ‘out there’ online, but it is super important to note that in order to bring more brand visibility and also build your SEO for your website, blogs can be a powerful tool.

With Specky & Ginge, we have found it's a lovely experience helping clients write a powerful piece and hearing their responses after ‘Wow I actually did this!. They also see the results too! Engagement is up and watching the views come in is where the excitement really builds.
So! Let’s get down to it! First things first, don’t stress! Writing blogs isn’t as intimidating as it may seem. Most people who read blogs are open-minded and are willing to embrace new perspectives and stories. As for the few who lash out online and spread negativity, please keep in mind they're often battling their own challenges while taking it out on you!
Let’s get on with the tips!
1. Make sure you have a catchy headline!
It is always best to start with a headline that grabs your audience's attention. It is always the most crucial part of writing a blog. It is your chance to find a way to use words and entice your readers to read your content.
2. Don’t let your audience down.
So, once you’ve got your audience hooked in with a great headline, you must keep them engaged with quality content. You really don't want them to feel like they just heard a joke without the pun - that would be dreadful!!
3. Always write from the heart.
Your blog must always reflect on who you are and what you think, make sure to be authentic to yourself and let your voice shine through!

4. Incorporate those visuals
Now and then it is good to add some visuals. Video blogs are a great way to strengthen the connection with your audience. Fun fact: a minute of video is like reading 1.8 million words!
5. Building trust with your audience - this is key!
This one is extremely important, honesty and transparency are key here. Trust takes time to establish in any relationship, but can also vanish in an instant
6. Questions build engagement.
You should always ask questions. This encourages interactions and helps make your audience feel valued and respected. Plus you will gain insights that could be really helpful for future sales and marketing research!
7. Call To Action!
When it comes to wrapping up your blog, it is ideal to have a call to action, otherwise known as a CTA. What would you like your viewers to do once they have finished reading your blog, where do you want them to go to next? Get them to comment, reach out, read further etc.
8. Avoid plagiarism
Now this is a biggy!! You should never copy someone else’s work, it is the quickest way to upset someone and also ruin your reputation. Of course, if you ever borrow a quote or an idea, you must always give credit!
9. Ideas captured
Top tip, always write stuff down! Wherever you are, it is always good to make a note of any ideas you can along the way! Anything that sparks inspiration for your next blog, write it down!
10. Save your ideas
It is always super beneficial to write and post a blog a week, but when creative ideas pop up, jot them down! You should always note your emotions and experiences, so you can write authentically as if you were still living those moments - great right?
Of course, most importantly, let’s not forget - have fun! If you need support with worting your blog or online content please get in-touch with Emma and the team today.
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